Groups Sharing (1)

The main ideas and reflections about the Introduction and the name of the Spirit – RUAH Theology of Charism: Introduction

Group -2

  • Holy Spirit is the inspiration for the every founder to begin the different congregations with his Mission
  • Founder is not alone who starts but there is a community besides them.
  • The Golden circle explains that the Charism is not ‘what’ and ‘How’ we do but it’s always “Why” do and believe in challenging the status.
  • RUAH the word for Spirit in Hebrew Bible which is “Wind, strength of life, God’s power of Life,” through which He operates and makes operate.
  • The Spirit is always energy of life, the real spirit is inside of the body, and there is union of Spirit and Body. We are resurrected along with our body.
  • RUAH is not something without Body but it is portrayed feminine substantive but at times it is used as Masculine. When the Spirit is in masculine it is Violent and destructive.
  • The essence of Spirit is not become immaterial but to be animated by the Holy Spirit.

Revolutionary Group

  • Charism is not what I do, but why I do and how I do?
  • Charisms of all the Congregations are different but inspired by the Same Spirit, and we reach at the certain moment of time that each Charism seems to be one and the same.
  • Holy Spirit is the living memory of Jesus Christ.
  • If I am creative, it is a sign that the Spirit is in me.
  • Ruah is not silent; it is violent when it is masculine.
  • If I am passive and obedience to the superior always, it is not sign of Holy Spirit existence. The person who lives in Spirit is revolutionary.
  • Our spirituality is not to be silent, but to give voice. Eg. Mary meeting Elizabeth
  • Strength of life in the human being, principle of life and the sea of knowledge and feeling are the meaning and presence of the Spirit.

Another group

  • As we saw the different picture in the beginning, it was attractive as well as meaningful and interconnected with the theme. It reminded us the charism of our congregation and the covenant of God which he has made.
  • In the introduction we saw the Golden circle – when we speak about our charism immediately it comes into our mind only the external things what we do, and we try to attract people by saying so many things or how we are working. But we forget why we do.
  • When we speak about founder we focus only on our founder we forget how and why they started, from where they got the inspiration. Today finally we come to an understanding that Holy Spirit is an authentic founder through whom our founder and Foundress were inspired.
  • Then we saw the meaning of the Holy Spirit. The word Holy Spirit means Ruah– power, strength, wind, when we have the sprit our life itself transforms.

Another group

  • Here I send the things that we have discussed in the morning class. We focus on the ministry than focusing on the core of the Charism. We often tend to forget the real spirit of our Charism and concentrate on the various ministries that we accomplish. Secondly most of the time we get deviated from the vision of our Foundresses by which they began the congregation.
  • Classes are  enriching so much specially each one consecrated person is invited to connect with the spirit of God, be aware of that my body is God’s dwelling place and I must acknowledge the holy spirit in my actions and words .

Another group

  • The Holy Spirit produces different fruits through the different charisms of the different congregation.
  • Charism is a gift of the holy spirit
  • Charism is a leading factors for all of us to upgrade our lives through the power of the holy spirit in our congregations
  • Holy Spirit is mysterious only can be felt and experienced but cannot be seen.
  • The name of the spirit
  • The word ruah appears 398 times in the Hebrew Old Testament.
  • The power of the spirit is given more important in the bible
  • The spirit of God is more creative and also destructive. Wind, fire, water etc.
  • Ruah is a feminine substantive, but at times it is used as masculine. This is a new learning for us.
  • The spirit has the irresistible power that transforms the entire universe.
  • The Spirit is a creative inspiration for carrying out an artistic work.


Groups Sharing (2): Old and New Testament

Vibrant Group 


  • The creation is guided, moved and lived by the spirit.
  • The creation of the human being has a special intervention of the Holy Spirit. God infused the spirit RUAH to the human nostrils.
  • Before creation only the RUAH was there. The spirit and the water. Spirit gives life to the human being, water is the life giving and produces fruits on the earth.
  • Ps. 33:6 Spirit is the life giver. By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, which means the Holy spirit is the life giver.
  • “Spirit leads to open the future and make the things new”. Said Jürgen Moltmann. We find the newness in the world by the spirit. The newness of the future; and a wide horizon.
  • Spirit brings greatness out of nothingness. See the e.g. Of Joseph in the OT. He was nothing before, but he become something.
  • The Holy Spirit who guided the people of Israel. In our life too when Spirit intervenes the wonderful things happens. E.g. Moses, Jeremiah. Their personality was changed, and they were guided.


  • Same like old testament the new testament also began with Holy Spirit. The birth of the Messiah happens by the intervention of the Spirit.
  • In OT life arose, and in the NT God made manifested through the Son by the Holy Spirit, who is the life-giving factor to the humanity.
  • Holy Spirit clears the doubts and confusions in the NT eg. Joseph, Zechariah.
  • Holy Spirit is active and alive in every creative act. Because a new life, newness arises by the intervention of the Holy Spirit.
  • Holy Spirits very presence is being felt in certain personalities always like mother Mary, Zechariah, Anna the prophetess.
  • The Pentecost was the new beginning, the fear disappears, a renewal comes by the Holy Spirit, a real transformation happens in the life of the disciples, the new ministry, and the new mission began.
  • The powerful intervention of the Holy Spirit is being felt in every sacrament. Eg. Baptism and holy Eucharist. In the holy Eucharist transubstantiation happens by the Power of the Holy Spirit. We are only collaborators.
  • By the baptism of Jesus Holy Spirit made Him as a representative of the whole world.
  • Holy Spirit consecrated the sexuality of Mary, it is a best example and inspiration for us the consecrated people.
  • When jesus died on the cross it was not the end of life but by sending the spirit to the world a new life was begun.
  • Jesus life began with the Spirit, when he died also the same. Jesus said, “Into your hands I comment my spirit”.

Revolutionary Group

The Spirit in Old Testament

  • I. The spirit of creation
    • 1. In the very beginning of creation the presence of Holy Spirit is there. Because the creation is the Trinitarian creation. God the Father created by the Word (Jesus) with the power of God (Spirit).
  • II. The spirit upon central figures
    • 1. Joseph- Received the Spirit of wisdom by which he was the interpreter of the dreams.
      2. Moses- Spirit allows the Personal charism to be shared by the followers.
      3. Joshua- He led Israel to the Promised Land guided by the Spirit.
      4. Saul- When the Spirit works, the whole congregation will be different.
      5. David- Even though a person goes into a wrong way Spirit will lead into the right path.
  • III. The Spirit on the Prophets
    1. The Spirit speaks through the prophets for the voiceless.
    2. We as the human cannot do anything. But the power of the Holy Spirit can do it.
    3. Isaiah- Spirit is not only the spirit of goodness but also the spirit of purification.
    4. Ezekiel- When the Spirit comes upon our life, we become alive, She also removes the stony heart and gives tender heart- She is the cleaning Spirit in us.
    5. Joel- Spirit is present everywhere and forever.
    At times we are workers, not prophets; at times we are together but not connected. It is because of the absence of Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
    1. The new Genesis
    1. The Gospel of Mathew is the new Genesis. Because the origin of Jesus we found there.
    2. Mary was the best friend of Holy Spirit.
    3. Spirit consecrated the sexuality of Mary
    4. Real vocation is to experience the voice Abba “You are my beloved sons/ and daughters in whom I am well pleased.
    5. In the midst of the temptations our first Abba experience should help to preserve our vocation
    6. It was necessary that Jesus left so spirit came to the world.
    7. We are in the time of Spirit. Not in the time of Jesus,
    8. We have to present contemporary Jesus, not the Jesus of 2000 yrs ago
    9. Holy Spirit is the main protagonist of the mission, not me and you. We are Just collaborators. So ask Spirit May I help U? Not come to help me.
    10. When we are with Holy Spirit, the evil spirit will get terrified.

    You Me Spirits

    • The assistance of the Holy Spirit helps us to encounter God and the spirit guides us to make wise discernments.
    • In the Old Testament we come across the Holy Spirit as life giving and life is saving.
    • The Old Testament is the testimony of the Holy Spirit because it fulfilled the designs of the Father through prophets and it is revealed in the New Testament thus it becomes the fulfillment of the New Testament.
    • The Old Testament is made perfected in the New with spirit and New is perfect of the Old.
    • The new creation begins with the intervention of the Holy Spirit through Mary in Christ.
    • The Holy Spirit is ever living which ever penetrates into core of once being in order to produce the newness of life.
    • Holy Spirit is the perfect sanctifier and gives us the grace to sanctify everything.
    • The mystery of the spirit, and mysteries deeds of the Holy Spirit cannot be fully explained, it can be fully experiential. It cannot be seen but it is revealing through different forms.
    • The Holy Spirit works as the delegate of the Father and the Son in the mission. Thus the spirit is the embodiment of every mysterious deed and work.
    • The spirit works as consent companion and as spoke person of God.
    • Sprit speaks to the spiritual being and radiates the spirituality to all beings hence it lingers in you and in me and everywhere.
    • Christ is the spirit and you and me is the spirit of Christ.


    “Ruah” Group

    • The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters
    • Our creation is Trinitarian
    • Everything in creation is integrated in Spirit
    • Holy Spirit unites Heaven and Earth

    The presence of the Spirit upon central figure in the O.T.:
    • Pharaoh recognised the Spirit in Joseph that enables him with wisdom and discernment
    • The personal charism of Moses is put on others as collective charism, as the Spirit came upon them
    • The charism of our founder is continued in us by the same Spirit
    • The importance of ‘laying hands’ is a symbol of invoking the Holy Spirit
    • The Spirit of Counsel is associated with our evangelical counsels (vows)
    • In Isaiah the action of the Spirit is an act of purification
    • In Ezekiel the valley of the dry bones reminds the Spirit of resurrection

    Psalm 51:
    • The Spirit is known invisible but known by effectiveness. Failure comes when Spirit departs
    • The Spirit we receive is a covenantal
    • Holy Spirit in the whole humanity
    • Mission of the Holy Spirit is leading the purposes of God

    • In New Genesis the Holy Spirit works in the womb of Mary as creator
    • The sexuality of the woman was consecrated by the Holy Spirit
    • John was filled with the Spirit.
    • From his mothers’ womb Holy Spirit was active before and after the birth of Jesus – John the Baptist, Elizabeth, Zachariah and Simeon
    • Same as the baptism of Jesus in our baptism too we also receive the Holy Spirit
    • Our vocation is not employment but God calls us that we are his beloved daughters and sons
    • He granted Him the Spirit without measure
    • To die for Jesus was ‘to give up the Spirit’ to us
    • Christ has become the Spirit
    • He communicated His Spirit upon us and the same Spirit acts in our mission and we need to collaborate.

    Beauty … Group 

     Holy Spirit is the breath of God.
     The Spirit participated in creation {Gen 1:1}
     The Spirit gives life to the humanity and other creatures.{Gen 2:7}
     In the book of Genesis Holy Spirit is visibly and actively present, where darkness turned into light.
     The work of the Holy Spirit was experienced in different situations of their mission. Ex: Joseph.
     The gift of the Holy Spirit is wisdom, which is given to the persons according to their ability. Ex: Prophets, Judges, etc.
     Being consecrated persons we experience everyday from the holy Eucharist bread and wine becoming body and blood, which transforms by the spirit. So, with the spirit of faith when we touch others the spirit dwells in them.
     The Spirit inspired holiness of OT believers. {Ps143:10}
     The Spirit’s work in the OT indwelling or filling and granting of ability for service.
     Holy Spirit dwells in the womb of Mary, through the Angel Gabriel.
     Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
     The Holy Spirit participated in Jesus’s Baptism. So, through our Baptism Holy Spirit is manifested in us.
     Jesus came with the purpose and gave us spirit, which is active and alive.
     Holy Spirit makes us to take risk and the daily challenges. He is our comforter, Helper and Counselor. {Ex: John the Baptist the forerunner of Jesus, who was the spirit, filled man}.
     Jn 14:14-16 says I will not leave you orphan; He makes us feel one with the spirit.
     He flags the Holy Spirit as the empowering person for His ministry.
     Jesus carried out His ministry in the Spirit and fills His disciples with the Holy Spirit.
     The day of the Pentecost the spirit is given to us; with the same spirit we continue our spirituality and mission.
     We are collaborators of the Holy Spirit, to reproduce, create and grow with the spirit.

Shining Stars— Group- 2

The presence of Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
o Gen1:2 “The spirit of God hovered over the face of waters”
o On earth all creators are creation of the trinity.
o In every experience of life we encounter the God and Spirit.
o Moses and the seventy Elders (Num 11: 16-17)
o The spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them.
o It is same with us the charism is put on us, the same spirit is put on us. What happened to our founders will happen to us.
o King SAUL (1Sam 10:6) the spirit of the Lord will come upon you, you will be changed into a different person.
o Is 11:1-2 the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord.
o Evangelical counsels are born from here… counselor is more important than the counsels. we forget the H.S very often and go to counselors for help.
o Failure comes when the Spirit departs.
o She is always invisible but known by her effectiveness
o We are never told of people experiences particular feelings but His presence is known by success and proclamation of God’s message.
o Sometimes she comes on people temporarily sometimes more permanently.
o The evil spirit disconnects people, without connection nothing will happen, all creators are connected. Creation is not mixed it is always on move so as our charisms
The presence of Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
o Jesus is the new genesis by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mother Mary
o The Sexuality of Mary is consecrated by the Holy Spirit.
o The importance of the Holy Spirit we see in the birth of Jesus
o The presence of holy Spirit in the persons like John, Elizabeth and Simeon, made them to recognize Jesus who is the Son of God
o Jesus baptized us with the fire and Spirit.
o God manifested his love in the form of Voice saying “this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” this is the focus for vocation to which promises us the presence of Holy Spirit in our life.
o Jesus was not alone received a baptism in the river Jordan but represented whole humanity.
o Jesus died on the cross by giving away his Spirit to others. So to die for Jesus is giving away ones Spirit.
o We are often centered on Christ rather than on Spirit.
o The Holy Spirit always leads us to the Truth.

Groups Sharing (3): On Charisms

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM)

1) Yes, We feel our founder is charismatic leader, because our Institute places itself at the service of the young churches, and the priority. It gives to the work of spreading the Gospel among peoples who do not yet know Christ, or among whom the church is least present.

2) In our Institute, as an international fraternity brought together by the spirit, all of us together with the Superior General who is the sign and bond of unity – are responsible for our mission and for our communion in diversity, in fidelity to the church and to the Pope.

3) God is Love. It is His will that all men and women should be saved and constitute his people. That is why the Father calls us all to be transformed in Christ, through the Spirit.
As a sign of his covenant with his people, God consecrated us a religious Institute as Franciscan Missionaries of Mary called to play a prophetic role in accordance with its foundation Charism. Through our fidelity to this consecration our life bears witness to the primacy of God’s Love.

4) Our mission is to continue the mission of Christ, who was sent by the Father with the power of the spirit to bring the good news to the poor, is the missionary vocation of all the people of God.
God challenges us through the signs of the times; this is why we are attentive to the needs of a changing world and to the requests and needs of both the universal and the particular Church, so that we may respond to them in accordance with our Charism.
“If it is my work it will perish; If it is the work of the spirit it will flourish” – Bl. Mary of the Passion.

Personal and groupal questions: Claretians

Fr. Justine and Bro. Libin
1. Is your founder or your foundress a charismatic leader?
Ans: Yes, our founder St. Anthony Mary Claret was a Charismatic man; he was filled and moved by the Spirit of God. His willingness to be moved by the Spirit led him wherever it was urgent and timely. He was so encompassed by the Spirit of God which enabled him to say, “I am Spirit goes to the whole world.” Hence, he was never afraid in doing the ministry of God. He would take any ways and means to spread the love of God. He was an inerrant preacher, a man filled by the Spirit of God.
2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a founder or of a foundress? (Inspiration –groping –newness-charism-spirituality-constitutions?
Ans: My Provincial Fr. Pius and General are men of inspirations. Men full of charismatic in nature, ideas, newness, living the constitution ideally and men of great spirituality and simplicity.
3. How do you describe the charism of your Congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
Ans: The Spirit of God always works in the signs of the time and when it is highly necessary. We say this because during his time there were so much of problems at political, economical and social levels. The people had a great thirst for the Word of God. There were none who were really dedicated for this mission, and at this moment moved by the Spirit of God, he decided to become the evangelizer of the Word of God with a group of his companion. Thus, we say that the inspiration was from the Spirit of God, because within a very short span of time we have flourished.
4. What vision of God the Father, Jesus, the Spirit?
Ans: He had vision of God as a loving Father-who wants to safe the souls from the eternal damnation, Jesus as the anointed and send by the Father, brother and friend, Holy Spirit as the animator and mover.
5. What mission in society, in the Church?
Ans: The Mission in the Society and the Church is the mission of Evangelization through various means and ways.

Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel.

  • Founder :- Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
    1. Is your founder or your foundress a charismatic leader?
    Our founder St. Montfort is a charismatic leader. He believed in the providential care of God alone. He visited place to place preaching the Goodness to the poor. He brought many poor souls to God alone. “All I have is yours and all I am is yours” is the perfect self-surrender in the hands of God alone.
    2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a founder or of a foundress? (Inspiration –groping –newness-charism-spirituality-constitutions?
    The mission of the congregation is handed down to our superiors who are becoming the perfect embodiments of inspiration their prayers, and with their apostolate. They share newness of life in the community through their collaboration and shouldering the responsibilities.
    3. How do you describe the charism of your Congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
    The charism and apostate of Montfort Brothers consist first and foremost in witnessing to the consecrated life. The holy spirit is the focal point of everything. hence the charism of the congregation entrust to us by our founder is ever encouraging us to reach the poor with our charism.

Holy Family Brothers (FSF)

1. Is your Founder charismatic leader?
Yes, he is a charismatic leader in the mission of catechesis and liturgical animation and in education and youth animation. He was also paying attention to the signs of the time to promote Christian faith to the Church.
2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a founder?
We have brothers from our institute having same inspiration and spirit of founder, such as Bro. Theodoro, Bro. John Andrews Martos, Bro. David Resero Gracia, Bro. Justo Rubio. Who are being the example of their inspirations and living our charism and spirituality of our Congregation.

3. How do you describe the charism your congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
The Charism of the Congregation is a gift of the Holy Spirit given in origin to Brother Gabriel Taborin which is prolonged through time.

It is expressed in four elements:

  • Identity Its members are Religious who, responding to the Father’s call, and moved by the Holy Spirit, consecrate their lives to God in the Church according to the charism of the Institute.
  • Spirituality The Holy Family gives its name to the Institute and inspires the spirituality of the Brothers. The life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, forming a family, will always be their reference point. The Brothers learn to meditate and to live the Gospel in the light of the mystery of Nazareth; there, Jesus began to accomplish what he would preach later. This Nazarene spirituality will motivate their whole lives.
  • Spirit The Brothers contribute to carry out the plan of salvation through the characteristic spirit of the Institute, which is the family spirit. This spirit comes from the vital bonds that united the members of the Holy Family and whose source is the Holy Trinity. The family spirit, vital core of the spirituality of the Brothers, motivates the relationships among them. It marks their style of action, guides them in their mission among men, characterizes their educational work and strengthens the bonds of human solidarity wherever they are sent.
  • Mission The Institute of the Brothers of the Holy Family participates in the mission of the Church in order to build up the Kingdom of God in the world. They participate in its pastoral work mainly by means of Christian education, catechesis and liturgical animation. According to the Founder’s desire, the Institute remains available for the apostolic tasks that needs of the time and place could demand.

Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret

  • 1. Is our foundress a charismatic leader?
    Of course, our foundress was a charismatic leader. The unique and beautiful life history of her, with so many narratives prove that she was the person totally and constantly led by the Holy Spirit. I found nowhere that she did something by herself. In everything she confide with the Spirit, because her only motto was constantly in search of God’s will and do it. Also she shared the received charism with thousands of people in so many countries.
    2. Who is the person in our congregation, in whom I can see the traits of foundress?
    In the present, Superior Sr. Maria Rita, I can see the traits of foundress. She is the person who always search for the will of God. Also try to do her best for each and every sister of our community. One can find that the Spirit works in her. She is the lover of communion and peace. Her mercy and compassion is great that she forgives and embrace the great wrong doer. She respects and give due dignity to the person. She is so creative in all her doing. Truly I admire and love her so much.
    3. How can describe the charism of our congregation received by the Holy Spirit?
    Our charism was originated at the context of French Revolution (1789-1799). So many people were affected by different problems such as sickness, wounds, physical poverty, emotional poverty, spiritual poverty, moral poverty…etc. In this situation the Holy Spirit could not keep quite. She has to move to alleviate the problems. This movement of Spirit felt by our foundress. So, committed herself totally to alleviate the various problems of the people in collaborating with the Holy Spirit. This is the proof that our charism has derived from the Holy Spirit. Because as Father has explained, charism is not something what we do? Rather why I do? And this fact I found in my foundress.
    Thank You so much
    Sr.Selin Jose

Ursulien Franciscan Sisters (UFS) 

Sr. Felcita D’ Souza
1. Is your Founder or your Foundress a charismatic leader?
Yes the founder of Ursuline Franciscan Congregation is a charismatic leader.
Fr.Urban Stein SJ had turned thirty-four when he was made parish priest. Going round his parish and studying the state of affairs he did not have to wait long to realize that the neglect of spiritual life was the fountainhead of the evil in the parish. Day in and day out, using any means of contact at his disposal, he underscored the indispensability of the frequentation of the sacraments. Fr Stein’s love of the Eucharist was so infectious that his flock responded with almost equal fervor. In a short period of time he brought about such a spiritual revival in his parish that it spread to other neighbouring parishes too.

2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a Founder?
The persons in my congregation that I can see the traits of a founder are:
• Pioneers of my congregation
• Pioneers to the new mission land
• Superior Generals
• Some of the members of the congregation who are women of great spirituality and simplicity

3. How do you describe charism of your congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
• Our Founder Fr.Urban Stein SJ had a flock in his vast parish, with its multiple needs which must be attended to as effectively and expeditiously as possible. He needed others to join hands with him in this great task. There were a number of young Catholic ladies who on one hand unprepared to enter marital life and on the other unwilling for good reasons to enter a convent. It is to these he turned for help. His mind went back to his native city Cologne and the good work the Ursulines had been doing there. Fr Urban Stein wanted a similar association of dedicated women in Mangalore for the pastoral needs of the local Church. He discerned the charism of the Spirit in those young women who offered themselves to help him in his pastoral ministry. Given his own Jesuit background which is apostolic through and through he started a pious association of ladies in the spirit of the Ursulines on Easter April 10, 1887.

• The charism of the Congregation impels us to launch deeper into the life of the people solely for the love of God in simplicity of life, to proclaim the message of the fullness of life of God’s Kingdom. We try to remain faithful to the Charism of our Congregation with creative fidelity adapting ourselves to the changing situations reading the signs of the time.

• Our prayer that rooted in God’s love and life lived in communion in our communities help us to become joyful witnesses. We involve ourselves in the mission of Jesus through faith formation, Pastoral service, education, Social Service, Health care, Counselling and care of the children in Children’s home. Emphasis is laid to empowering the women, children, and marginalized.

Impactos: 1743

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  1. admin dijo:

    Theology of Charism: Introduction

    Group -2
     Holy Spirit is the inspiration for the every founder to begin the different congregations with his Mission
     Founder is not alone who starts but there is a community besides them.
     The Golden circle explains that the Charism is not ‘what’ and ‘How’ we do but it’s always “Why” do and believe in challenging the status.
     RUAH the word for Spirit in Hebrew Bible which is “Wind, strength of life, God’s power of Life,” through which He operates and makes operate.
     The Spirit is always energy of life, the real spirit is inside of the body, and there is union of Spirit and Body. We are resurrected along with our body.
     RUAH is not something without Body but it is portrayed feminine substantive but at times it is used as Masculine. When the Spirit is in masculine it is Violent and destructive.
     The essence of Spirit is not become immaterial but to be animated by the Holy Spirit.

    Revolutionary Group
     Charism is not what I do, but why I do and how I do?
     Charisms of all the Congregations are different but inspired by the Same Spirit, and we reach at the certain moment of time that each Charism seems to be one and the same.
     Holy Spirit is the living memory of Jesus Christ.
     If I am creative, it is a sign that the Spirit is in me.
     Ruah is not silent; it is violent when it is masculine.
     If I am passive and obedience to the superior always, it is not sign of Holy Spirit existence. The person who lives in Spirit is revolutionary.
     Our spirituality is not to be silent, but to give voice. Eg. Mary meeting Elizabeth
     Strength of life in the human being, principle of life and the sea of knowledge and feeling are the meaning and presence of the Spirit.
    Another group
     As we saw the different picture in the beginning, it was attractive as well as meaningful and interconnected with the theme. It reminded us the charism of our congregation and the covenant of God which he has made.
     In the introduction we saw the Golden circle – when we speak about our charism immediately it comes into our mind only the external things what we do, and we try to attract people by saying so many things or how we are working. But we forget why we do.
     When we speak about founder we focus only on our founder we forget how and why they started, from where they got the inspiration. Today finally we come to an understanding that Holy Spirit is an authentic founder through whom our founder and Foundress were inspired.
     Then we saw the meaning of the Holy Spirit. The word Holy Spirit means Ruah- power, strength, wind, when we have the sprit our life itself transforms.
    Another group
     Here I send the things that we have discussed in the morning class.
    We focus on the ministry than focusing on the core of the Charism. We often tend to forget the real spirit of our Charism and concentrate on the various ministries that we accomplish.
    Secondly most of the time we get deviated from the vision of our Foundresses by which they began the congregation.
     Classes are enriching so much specially each one consecrated person is invited to connect with the spirit of God, be aware of that my body is God’s dwelling place and I must acknowledge the holy spirit in my actions and words .
    Another group
     The Holy Spirit produces different fruits through the different charisms of the different congregation.
     Charism is a gift of the holy spirit
     Charism is a leading factors for all of us to upgrade our lives through the power of the holy spirit in our congregations
     Holy Spirit is mysterious only can be felt and experienced but cannot be seen.
     The name of the spirit
     The word ruah appears 398 times in the Hebrew Old Testament.
     The power of the spirit is given more important in the bible
     The spirit of God is more creative and also destructive. Wind, fire, water etc.
     Ruah is a feminine substantive, but at times it is used as masculine. This is a new learning for us.
     The spirit has the irresistible power that transforms the entire universe.
     The Spirit is a creative inspiration for carrying out an artistic work.

  2. Anónimo dijo:


     The creation is guided, moved and lived by the spirit.
     The creation of the human being has a special intervention of the Holy Spirit. God infused the spirit RUAH to the human nostrils.
     Before creation only the RUAH was there. The spirit and the water. Spirit gives life to the human being, water is the life giving and produces fruits on the earth.
     Ps. 33:6 Spirit is the life giver. By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, which means the Holy spirit is the life giver.
     “Spirit leads to open the future and make the things new”. Said Jure Jean Moltmann. We find the newness in the world by the spirit. The newness of the future; and a wide horizon.
     Spirit brings greatness out of nothingness. See the e.g. Of Joseph in the OT. He was nothing before, but he become something.
     The Holy Spirit who guided the people of Israel. In our life too when Spirit intervenes the wonderful things happens. E.g. Moses, Jeremiah. Their personality was changed, and they were guided.

     Same like old testament the new testament also began with Holy Spirit. The birth of the Messiah happens by the intervention of the Spirit.
     In OT life arose, and in the NT God made manifested through the Son by the Holy Spirit, who is the life-giving factor to the humanity.
     Holy Spirit clears the doubts and confusions in the NT eg. Joseph, Zechariah.
     Holy Spirit is active and alive in every creative act. Because a new life, newness arises by the intervention of the Holy Spirit.
     Holy Spirits very presence is being felt in certain personalities always like mother Mary, Zechariah, Anna the prophetess.
     The Pentecost was the new beginning, the fear disappears, a renewal comes by the Holy Spirit, a real transformation happens in the life of the disciples, the new ministry, and the new mission began.
     The powerful intervention of the Holy Spirit is being felt in every sacrament. Eg. Baptism and holy Eucharist. In the holy Eucharist transubstantiation happens by the Power of the Holy Spirit. We are only collaborators.
     By the baptism of Jesus Holy Spirit made Him as a representative of the whole world.
     Holy Spirit consecrated the sexuality of Mary, it is a best example and inspiration for us the consecrated people.
     When jesus died on the cross it was not the end of life but by sending the spirit to the world a new life was begun.
     Jesus life began with the Spirit, when he died also the same. Jesus said, “Into your hands I comment my spirit”.

  3. Anónimo dijo:

    Revolutionary Group

    The Spirit in Old Testament
    I. The spirit of creation
    1. In the very beginning of creation the presence of Holy Spirit is there. Because the creation is the Trinitarian creation. God the Father created by the Word (Jesus) with the power of God (Spirit).
    II. The spirit upon central figures
    1. Joseph- Received the Spirit of wisdom by which he was the interpreter of the dreams.
    2. Moses- Spirit allows the Personal charism to be shared by the followers.
    3. Joshua- He led Israel to the Promised Land guided by the Spirit.
    4. Saul- When the Spirit works, the whole congregation will be different.
    5. David- Even though a person goes into a wrong way Spirit will lead into the right path.
    III. The Spirit on the Prophets
    1. The Spirit speaks through the prophets for the voiceless.
    2. We as the human cannot do anything. But the power of the Holy Spirit can do it.
    3. Isaiah- Spirit is not only the spirit of goodness but also the spirit of purification.
    4. Ezekiel- When the Spirit comes upon our life, we become alive, She also removes the stony heart and gives tender heart- She is the cleaning Spirit in us.
    5. Joel- Spirit is present everywhere and forever.
    At times we are workers, not prophets; at times we are together but not connected. It is because of the absence of Spirit

    The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
    1. The new Genesis
    1. The Gospel of Mathew is the new Genesis. Because the origin of Jesus we found there.
    2. Mary was the best friend of Holy Spirit.
    3. Spirit consecrated the sexuality of Mary
    4. Real vocation is to experience the voice Abba “You are my beloved sons/ and daughters in whom I am well pleased.
    5. In the midst of the temptations our first Abba experience should help to preserve our vocation
    6. It was necessary that Jesus left so spirit came to the world.
    7. We are in the time of Spirit. Not in the time of Jesus,
    8. We have to present contemporary Jesus, not the Jesus of 2000 yrs ago
    9. Holy Spirit is the main protagonist of the mission, not me and you. We are Just collaborators. So ask Spirit May I help U? Not come to help me.
    10. When we are with Holy Spirit, the evil spirit will get terrified.

  4. Anónimo dijo:


    • The assistance of the Holy Spirit helps us to encounter God and the spirit guides us to make wise discernments.
    • In the Old Testament we come across the Holy Spirit as life giving and life is saving.
    • The Old Testament is the testimony of the Holy Spirit because it fulfilled the designs of the Father through prophets and it is revealed in the New Testament thus it becomes the fulfillment of the New Testament.
    • The Old Testament is made perfected in the New with spirit and New is perfect of the Old.
    • The new creation begins with the intervention of the Holy Spirit through Mary in Christ.
    • The Holy Spirit is ever living which ever penetrates into core of once being in order to produce the newness of life.
    • Holy Spirit is the perfect sanctifier and gives us the grace to sanctify everything.
    • The mystery of the spirit, and mysteries deeds of the Holy Spirit cannot be fully explained, it can be fully experiential. It cannot be seen but it is revealing through different forms.
    • The Holy Spirit works as the delegate of the Father and the Son in the mission. Thus the spirit is the embodiment of every mysterious deed and work.
    • The spirit works as consent companion and as spoke person of God.
    • Sprit speaks to the spiritual being and radiates the spirituality to all beings hence it lingers in you and in me and everywhere.
    • Christ is the spirit and you and me is the spirit of Christ.


  5. Anónimo dijo:


    • The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters
    • Our creation is Trinitarian
    • Everything in creation is integrated in Spirit
    • Holy Spirit unites Heaven and Earth

    The presence of the Spirit upon central figure in the O.T.:
    • Pharaoh recognised the Spirit in Joseph that enables him with wisdom and discernment
    • The personal charism of Moses is put on others as collective charism, as the Spirit came upon them
    • The charism of our founder is continued in us by the same Spirit
    • The importance of ‘laying hands’ is a symbol of invoking the Holy Spirit
    • The Spirit of Counsel is associated with our evangelical counsels (vows)
    • In Isaiah the action of the Spirit is an act of purification
    • In Ezekiel the valley of the dry bones reminds the Spirit of resurrection

    Psalm 51:
    • The Spirit is known invisible but known by effectiveness. Failure comes when Spirit departs
    • The Spirit we receive is a covenantal
    • Holy Spirit in the whole humanity
    • Mission of the Holy Spirit is leading the purposes of God

    • In New Genesis the Holy Spirit works in the womb of Mary as creator
    • The sexuality of the woman was consecrated by the Holy Spirit
    • John was filled with the Spirit.
    • From his mothers’ womb Holy Spirit was active before and after the birth of Jesus – John the Baptist, Elizabeth, Zachariah and Simeon
    • Same as the baptism of Jesus in our baptism too we also receive the Holy Spirit
    • Our vocation is not employment but God calls us that we are his beloved daughters and sons
    • He granted Him the Spirit without measure
    • To die for Jesus was ‘to give up the Spirit’ to us
    • Christ has become the Spirit
    • He communicated His Spirit upon us and the same Spirit acts in our mission and we need to collaborate.

  6. Anónimo dijo:


     Holy Spirit is the breath of God.
     The Spirit participated in creation {Gen 1:1}
     The Spirit gives life to the humanity and other creatures.{Gen 2:7}
     In the book of Genesis Holy Spirit is visibly and actively present, where darkness turned into light.
     The work of the Holy Spirit was experienced in different situations of their mission. Ex: Joseph.
     The gift of the Holy Spirit is wisdom, which is given to the persons according to their ability. Ex: Prophets, Judges, etc.
     Being consecrated persons we experience everyday from the holy Eucharist bread and wine becoming body and blood, which transforms by the spirit. So, with the spirit of faith when we touch others the spirit dwells in them.
     The Spirit inspired holiness of OT believers. {Ps143:10}
     The Spirit’s work in the OT indwelling or filling and granting of ability for service.
     Holy Spirit dwells in the womb of Mary, through the Angel Gabriel.
     Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
     The Holy Spirit participated in Jesus’s Baptism. So, through our Baptism Holy Spirit is manifested in us.
     Jesus came with the purpose and gave us spirit, which is active and alive.
     Holy Spirit makes us to take risk and the daily challenges. He is our comforter, Helper and Counselor. {Ex: John the Baptist the forerunner of Jesus, who was the spirit, filled man}.
     Jn 14:14-16 says I will not leave you orphan; He makes us feel one with the spirit.
     He flags the Holy Spirit as the empowering person for His ministry.
     Jesus carried out His ministry in the Spirit and fills His disciples with the Holy Spirit.
     The day of the Pentecost the spirit is given to us; with the same spirit we continue our spirituality and mission.
     We are collaborators of the Holy Spirit, to reproduce, create and grow with the spirit.

  7. Anónimo dijo:

    Shining Stars— Group- 2
    The presence of Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
    o Gen1:2 “The spirit of God hovered over the face of waters”
    o On earth all creators are creation of the trinity.
    o In every experience of life we encounter the God and Spirit.
    o Moses and the seventy Elders (Num 11: 16-17)
    o The spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them.
    o It is same with us the charism is put on us, the same spirit is put on us. What happened to our founders will happen to us.
    o King SAUL (1Sam 10:6) the spirit of the Lord will come upon you, you will be changed into a different person.
    o Is 11:1-2 the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord.
    o Evangelical counsels are born from here… counselor is more important than the counsels. we forget the H.S very often and go to counselors for help.
    o Failure comes when the Spirit departs.
    o She is always invisible but known by her effectiveness
    o We are never told of people experiences particular feelings but His presence is known by success and proclamation of God’s message.
    o Sometimes she comes on people temporarily sometimes more permanently.
    o The evil spirit disconnects people, without connection nothing will happen, all creators are connected. Creation is not mixed it is always on move so as our charisms
    The presence of Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
    o Jesus is the new genesis by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mother Mary
    o The Sexuality of Mary is consecrated by the Holy Spirit.
    o The importance of the Holy Spirit we see in the birth of Jesus
    o The presence of holy Spirit in the persons like John, Elizabeth and Simeon, made them to recognize Jesus who is the Son of God
    o Jesus baptized us with the fire and Spirit.
    o God manifested his love in the form of Voice saying “this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” this is the focus for vocation to which promises us the presence of Holy Spirit in our life.
    o Jesus was not alone received a baptism in the river Jordan but represented whole humanity.
    o Jesus died on the cross by giving away his Spirit to others. So to die for Jesus is giving away ones Spirit.
    o We are often centered on Christ rather than on Spirit.
    o The Holy Spirit always leads us to the Truth.

  8. Anónimo dijo:

    Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM)

    1) Yes, We feel our founder is charismatic leader, because our Institute places itself at the service of the young churches, and the priority. It gives to the work of spreading the Gospel among peoples who do not yet know Christ, or among whom the church is least present.

    2) In our Institute, as an international fraternity brought together by the spirit, all of us together with the Superior General who is the sign and bond of unity – are responsible for our mission and for our communion in diversity, in fidelity to the church and to the Pope.

    3) God is Love. It is His will that all men and women should be saved and constitute his people. That is why the Father calls us all to be transformed in Christ, through the Spirit.
    As a sign of his covenant with his people, God consecrated us a religious Institute as Franciscan Missionaries of Mary called to play a prophetic role in accordance with its foundation Charism. Through our fidelity to this consecration our life bears witness to the primacy of God’s Love.

    4) Our mission is to continue the mission of Christ, who was sent by the Father with the power of the spirit to bring the good news to the poor, is the missionary vocation of all the people of God.
    God challenges us through the signs of the times; this is why we are attentive to the needs of a changing world and to the requests and needs of both the universal and the particular Church, so that we may respond to them in accordance with our Charism.
    “If it is my work it will perish; If it is the work of the spirit it will flourish” – Bl. Mary of the Passion.

  9. Anónimo dijo:

    Personal and groupal questions
    Fr. Justine and Bro. Libin
    1. Is your founder or your foundress a charismatic leader?
    Ans: Yes, our founder St. Anthony Mary Claret was a Charismatic man; he was filled and moved by the Spirit of God. His willingness to be moved by the Spirit led him wherever it was urgent and timely. He was so encompassed by the Spirit of God which enabled him to say, “I am Spirit goes to the whole world.” Hence, he was never afraid in doing the ministry of God. He would take any ways and means to spread the love of God. He was an inerrant preacher, a man filled by the Spirit of God.
    2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a founder or of a foundress? (Inspiration –groping –newness-charism-spirituality-constitutions?
    Ans: My Provincial Fr. Pius and General are men of inspirations. Men full of charismatic in nature, ideas, newness, living the constitution ideally and men of great spirituality and simplicity.
    3. How do you describe the charism of your Congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
    Ans: The Spirit of God always works in the signs of the time and when it is highly necessary. We say this because during his time there were so much of problems at political, economical and social levels. The people had a great thirst for the Word of God. There were none who were really dedicated for this mission, and at this moment moved by the Spirit of God, he decided to become the evangelizer of the Word of God with a group of his companion. Thus, we say that the inspiration was from the Spirit of God, because within a very short span of time we have flourished.
    4. What vision of God the Father, Jesus, the Spirit?
    Ans: He had vision of God as a loving Father-who wants to safe the souls from the eternal damnation, Jesus as the anointed and send by the Father, brother and friend, Holy Spirit as the animator and mover.
    5. What mission in society, in the Church?
    Ans: The Mission in the Society and the Church is the mission of Evangelization through various means and ways.

  10. Anónimo dijo:

    Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel.
    Founder :- Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
    1. Is your founder or your foundress a charismatic leader?
    Our founder St. Montfort is a charismatic leader. He believed in the providential care of God alone. He visited place to place preaching the Goodness to the poor. He brought many poor souls to God alone. “All I have is yours and all I am is yours” is the perfect self-surrender in the hands of God alone.
    2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a founder or of a foundress? (Inspiration –groping –newness-charism-spirituality-constitutions?
    The mission of the congregation is handed down to our superiors who are becoming the perfect embodiments of inspiration their prayers, and with their apostolate. They share newness of life in the community through their collaboration and shouldering the responsibilities.
    3. How do you describe the charism of your Congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
    The charism and apostate of Montfort Brothers consist first and foremost in witnessing to the consecrated life. The holy spirit is the focal point of everything. hence the charism of the congregation entrust to us by our founder is ever encouraging us to reach the poor with our charism.

  11. Anónimo dijo:

    Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret
    1. Is our foundress a charismatic leader?
    Of course, our foundress was a charismatic leader. The unique and beautiful life history of her, with so many narratives prove that she was the person totally and constantly led by the Holy Spirit. I found nowhere that she did something by herself. In everything she confide with the Spirit, because her only motto was constantly in search of God’s will and do it. Also she shared the received charism with thousands of people in so many countries.
    2. Who is the person in our congregation, in whom I can see the traits of foundress?
    In the present, Superior Sr. Maria Rita, I can see the traits of foundress. She is the person who always search for the will of God. Also try to do her best for each and every sister of our community. One can find that the Spirit works in her. She is the lover of communion and peace. Her mercy and compassion is great that she forgives and embrace the great wrong doer. She respects and give due dignity to the person. She is so creative in all her doing. Truly I admire and love her so much.
    3. How can describe the charism of our congregation received by the Holy Spirit?
    Our charism was originated at the context of French Revolution (1789-1799). So many people were affected by different problems such as sickness, wounds, physical poverty, emotional poverty, spiritual poverty, moral poverty…etc. In this situation the Holy Spirit could not keep quite. She has to move to alleviate the problems. This movement of Spirit felt by our foundress. So, committed herself totally to alleviate the various problems of the people in collaborating with the Holy Spirit. This is the proof that our charism has derived from the Holy Spirit. Because as Father has explained, charism is not something what we do? Rather why I do? And this fact I found in my foundress.
    Thank You so much
    Sr.Selin Jose

  12. Anónimo dijo:

    Holy Family Brothers (FSF)

    1. Is your Founder charismatic leader?
    Yes, he is a charismatic leader in the mission of catechesis and liturgical animation and in education and youth animation. He was also paying attention to the signs of the time to promote Christian faith to the Church.
    2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a founder?
    We have brothers from our institute having same inspiration and spirit of founder, such as Bro. Theodoro, Bro. John Andrews Martos, Bro. David Resero Gracia, Bro. Justo Rubio. Who are being the example of their inspirations and living our charism and spirituality of our Congregation.

    3. How do you describe the charism your congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
    The Charism of the Congregation is a gift of the Holy Spirit given in origin to Brother Gabriel Taborin which is prolonged through time.

    It is expressed in four elements:

    Identity Its members are Religious who, responding to the Father’s call, and moved by the Holy Spirit, consecrate their lives to God in the Church according to the charism of the Institute.

    Spirituality The Holy Family gives its name to the Institute and inspires the spirituality of the Brothers. The life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, forming a family, will always be their reference point. The Brothers learn to meditate and to live the Gospel in the light of the mystery of Nazareth; there, Jesus began to accomplish what he would preach later. This Nazarene spirituality will motivate their whole lives.

    Spirit The Brothers contribute to carry out the plan of salvation through the characteristic spirit of the Institute, which is the family spirit. This spirit comes from the vital bonds that united the members of the Holy Family and whose source is the Holy Trinity. The family spirit, vital core of the spirituality of the Brothers, motivates the relationships among them. It marks their style of action, guides them in their mission among men, characterizes their educational work and strengthens the bonds of human solidarity wherever they are sent.

    Mission The Institute of the Brothers of the Holy Family participates in the mission of the Church in order to build up the Kingdom of God in the world. They participate in its pastoral work mainly by means of Christian education, catechesis and liturgical animation. According to the Founder’s desire, the Institute remains available for the apostolic tasks that needs of the time and place could demand.

  13. Anónimo dijo:

    Sr. Felcita D’ Souza
    1. Is your Founder or your Foundress a charismatic leader?
    Yes the founder of Ursuline Franciscan Congregation is a charismatic leader.
    Fr.Urban Stein SJ had turned thirty-four when he was made parish priest. Going round his parish and studying the state of affairs he did not have to wait long to realize that the neglect of spiritual life was the fountainhead of the evil in the parish. Day in and day out, using any means of contact at his disposal, he underscored the indispensability of the frequentation of the sacraments. Fr Stein’s love of the Eucharist was so infectious that his flock responded with almost equal fervor. In a short period of time he brought about such a spiritual revival in his parish that it spread to other neighbouring parishes too.

    2. Who is the person in your congregation in whom you can see the traits of a Founder?
    The persons in my congregation that I can see the traits of a founder are:
    • Pioneers of my congregation
    • Pioneers to the new mission land
    • Superior Generals
    • Some of the members of the congregation who are women of great spirituality and simplicity

    3. How do you describe charism of your congregation has received from the Holy Spirit?
    • Our Founder Fr.Urban Stein SJ had a flock in his vast parish, with its multiple needs which must be attended to as effectively and expeditiously as possible. He needed others to join hands with him in this great task. There were a number of young Catholic ladies who on one hand unprepared to enter marital life and on the other unwilling for good reasons to enter a convent. It is to these he turned for help. His mind went back to his native city Cologne and the good work the Ursulines had been doing there. Fr Urban Stein wanted a similar association of dedicated women in Mangalore for the pastoral needs of the local Church. He discerned the charism of the Spirit in those young women who offered themselves to help him in his pastoral ministry. Given his own Jesuit background which is apostolic through and through he started a pious association of ladies in the spirit of the Ursulines on Easter April 10, 1887.

    • The charism of the Congregation impels us to launch deeper into the life of the people solely for the love of God in simplicity of life, to proclaim the message of the fullness of life of God’s Kingdom. We try to remain faithful to the Charism of our Congregation with creative fidelity adapting ourselves to the changing situations reading the signs of the time.

    • Our prayer that rooted in God’s love and life lived in communion in our communities help us to become joyful witnesses. We involve ourselves in the mission of Jesus through faith formation, Pastoral service, education, Social Service, Health care, Counselling and care of the children in Children’s home. Emphasis is laid to empowering the women, children, and marginalized.

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