CONTRA LA EGO-LATRIA: la virtud de la ABNEGACIÓN. Retiro de VR – octubre 2019

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Una respuesta en “CONTRA LA EGO-LATRIA: la virtud de la ABNEGACIÓN. Retiro de VR – octubre 2019

  1. Full of Life dijo:

    3rd Group Full of Life
    By Sr. Cecily Joseph SCSA, Mary Latha SSHJ, Agatha CSJ, Nisha FMM, Oliva FMM, Bro. Dias FSF.
     Life is moment and form.
     Life is to live active and alive.
     God is life, because the activity of mind is life.
     Life is the supreme value over Good and Evil.
     Life needs minimum form and stability.
     “I think therefore I am”
     When we live there are three moments of life. Circular, Horizontal, Vertical, then we are fully alive.
     Life lives in unity of Organism not in each one of its Structure.
     Life is a constant Ongoing Transformation.
     There is no life without soul.
     Life is an authentic reality.

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