Forgive me for not being original: I am only a transmitter! This is my congratulations! John Rutter is a prophet of our time. He makes the Word of God “contemporary”. It is the Word pronounced and sung by many voices, and even mother earth is united with wooden, wind and stringed instruments…
Here I present the blessing that the liturgy offers us to begin this new year 2021
Here I present the blessing that the liturgy offers us to begin this new year 2021
May the Lord bless and protect you,
Numbers 6, 22-27
illuminate your face over you
and grant you his favor.
May the Lord look upon you and grant you peace”
What a beauty! This is how our Abba blesses each and every one of us. John Rutter, moved by the Spirit, has interpreted it this way – counting on a great community! Stop and please listen to him! The words that sing it – in English – are the same text of Num 6, 22-27 that I have just reproduced.
This prophet of our time, John Rutter, explains to us – with extraordinary mastery – how music creates “communities”. St. Augustine said it differently: “In Paradise we will all be music”. Take some time to listen to John Rutter… and may the year 2021 be for you and for all of us “Choral Music”, the year of “choral humanity”, of the “symphonic planet”.
Impactos: 753