Archivo mensual: febrero 2020


¿Es posible hablar hoy de Dios con persuasión, de forma creíble? ¿O cualquier intento resultará ingenuo, fundamentalista e incluso ridículo? ¿Anunciar o respetar? ¿Hacer entender o emocionar? Hay muchas palabras gastadas, que no dicen, no significan. Hemos de re-aprender a hablar … Sigue leyendo

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Marriage and virginity in medieval Church

Write 3 questions and some ideas about the today’s topic Impactos: 16437

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MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY – VIRGINITY: The new Testament – The Fathers of the Church

Each group selects 5 sentences in which is expressed the main ideas of this topic Each group selects 1 author and his idea on Marriage of Virginity, of the New Testament or of the Fathers of the Church Impactos: 16409

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What are for your group the 9 main ideas of our reflection of today on communion and individuality? What do you underline from the song “One body, one Spirit”? Impactos: 16343

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What are for your group the main ideas of today’s classes? Impactos: 16087

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Forms of Christian Life: Following – Living

What are the 8 main ideas of this morning session your group would like to underline? What are the 3 proposals your group would like to present? Impactos: 16324

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Religious and Christian Foundation of the Forms of Christian Life (II)

The work for the groups about the religious and Christian Foundation of the Forms of Christian Life Eight main ideas or reflections Two questions. Impactos: 16360

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Theology of the Forms of Christian Life – Reactions

The anthropological foundation of the different forms of life. What are the ten most challenging ideas for your group? Impactos: 16263

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